
Category Archives: Personal Agreements

The thing about marriage contracts

Congratulations! The question has been asked and she said “Yes”. Someone’s getting married. So much to do and plan: book the wedding venue; choose the wedding dress; plan the procession, etc. etc. It’s all so exciting that you might forget the most important part i.e. that ever important marriage contract aka choosing the right matrimonial…

The Importance of Revising Your Will After Remarrying

Ideally, there should not be any necessity for estate planning. In a congenial family atmosphere, surviving members would amicably divide everything equitably and set matters at rest. In Utopia, maybe. But not in the real world. In reality, the differences, dissentions, and squabbles often witnesses among the surviving members of the deceased’s family make estate…

Cohabitation / Life Partnership

In our modern times, many couples opt to live together as opposed to getting married. This type of relationship is often referred to as a domestic partnership, life partnership, cohabitation agreement, living together, or common-law marriage. Cohabitation relationships frequently exist between both heterosexual and same sex couples. In both instances the relationship involves the same…

The Thing About Marriage Contracts: What You Need to Know

Congratulations! The question has been asked and you said “Yes”. Someone’s getting married. So much to do and plan: book the wedding venue; choose the wedding dress; plan the procession, etc. etc. It’s all so exciting that you might forget the most important part i.e. that ever important marriage contract aka choosing the right matrimonial…