Why do your employees work for you? Be honest. Is it your boundless generosity? The awesome working environment? The character-building challenge of the projects? The invaluable experience? The office manager’s sparkling personality? Donuts on a Friday? The free coffee? All of the above? Let us not sugar-coat the truth. The real reason why employees work…
Tag Archives: Labour Relations Act
The antics of the unpopular president in a certain country across the Atlantic has ushered in much commentary about his Reality TV Show, The Apprentice. Where his signature line, “You’re Fired!” has no doubt tempted more than a few frustrated employers, who would dearly love to employ the same tactics. But the few that do…
DID YOU KNOW: where a fixed-term contract worker earns below R 205 433.30 per year (as at date of writing), s/he may only be employed on a fixed-term for longer than three months if the work is of a limited or definite duration or the employer can illustrate any other justifiable reason. DID YOU KNOW:…