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Living Will
Living Will
R 0,00
Get your free Living Will template! A Living Will is a declaration of your wishes should you be unable to communicate because of illness or injury.
If, at some stage in the future, you should find yourself unable to make or communicate your decisions for medical reasons (you may be in a coma, or your doctor may have diagnosed you as incapable of making decisions) then a Living Will allows your family and doctors peace of mind knowing that, in carrying out your medical treatment, your personal choices can be acknowledged and respected.
A Living Will is a declaration of your wishes in the event that you are unable to communicate due to illness or other medical impairment. The Living Will serves to advise friends, family, and medical practitioners not to keep you alive by artificial means if there is no reasonable prognosis for recovery.
A Living Will should be signed when you are of sound mind, and after careful and serious consideration. It is of vital importance that you inform anyone who may have to implement your Living Will on your behalf (your doctor, care-giver, family, and friends) that you have signed a Living Will, and let them know where it is being kept.
This document is NOT a Last Will and Testament. If you have not yet done so, we recommend that you draft a Will and review it regularly.
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