As you may be aware, our website, Agreements Online, has been live and steadily progressing for a number of years. The vision behind the website is: To provide our customers with affordable, understandable and practical contracts and documents that suitably address the legal risks that they face.
Many hours of planning, designing, and drafting go into our documents. And we are continuously adding new agreements, documents and information to the site in an effort to add value to your business and personal life. There are now over 300 contracts, legal agreements and documents available on the site, and this number is growing. So we thought it was time to review our site, and take it to a whole new level by entering the world of social media. Yes, we in the legal fraternity can be social creatures too!
You, too, can be offered information about the various legal risks that you may encounter in your business and day-to-day dealings by way of regular blogs, tweets, status updates and newsletters.
Blogs and newsletters
If you would like to receive useful legal information in bite-sized installments, then all you need to do is Subscribe, and your details will be added to our subscriber list and you will receive our updates. We invite you to also check out this blog from time to time.
If you want to receive the information via tweets, then please follow Agreementonline on Twitter. Yes, we know! There is an “s” missing in our Twitter handle. Unfortunately with Twitter handles limited to fifteen characters, the “s” sadly had to go.
You can also follow our Facebook updates by “liking” Agreements Online on Facebook.
We have some interesting topics lined up for you, from the legality of restraints of trade, to when you can charge interest, to pointers when selling your business, and much more! If there’s any particular issue that you would like addressed, please feel free to let us know, and we will endeavour to deal with the issue.
Remember: A well written and properly worded contract can save you time, money and sanity!