
Category Archives: Business

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Protecting Your Business with Suretyships and Business Rescue

No creditor likes having to deal with a defaulting debtor. Matters become even more interesting when said debtor goes into business rescue. In such instances the creditor’s avenues of recourse become rather limited by the Companies Act – because a creditor is unable to sue its debtor while their debtor is in business rescue. What’s…

Agreements Online Trade restraint May wk 1

Keep your Restraint of Trade Legal

Are restraints of trade legal? Can they be enforced? Should I be worried about signing a restraint? Or is it true that a restraint of trade isn’t worth the paper it’s written on? The short answer is: restraints of trade are indeed legal. Restraints are a common employment requirement and form an integral part of…

What legal obligations does a surety have in terms of liability?

There’s one word that strikes fear in the hearts of business owners: Suretyship. It’s guaranteed to send them fleeing for the hills. Many businessmen and women have suffered untold abuse at the hands of creditors who have manipulated them using suretyships and guarantees. On the other hand, there’s many a creditor berating themselves for failing…

Competition Rules – Checklist

It all seemed like a good idea at the time. Sitting around the table at the monthly management meeting, someone moans about how boring the company’s marketing has become. There’s no spark, no excitement! This triggers an avalanche of ideas culminating in a plan so deviously simple that everyone marvels that they haven’t tried it…